This Will Not End Well: NSA Courting Thousands of Fired "Woke" Big Tech Workers for Intelligence Activities

Thousands of terminated far-left Big Tech workers may soon have prominent positions in America’s most notorious spying agency. The Nation Security Agency (NSA) is embarking on one of their biggest hiring sprees in the last three decades. Big tech workers have utilized their power to collect personal data, cancel conservatives on social media, and collude…
e National Security Agency (NSA) is set to embark on a massive hiring spree, aiming to recruit thousands of recently terminated far-left Big Tech employees. This move has raised concerns about the implications for online privacy, free markets, and corruption.

The Power of Big Tech Workers

Big Tech employees have wielded significant power in recent years. They have used their positions to collect private information, censor conservative voices on social media platforms, and engage in collusion. These actions have sparked widespread debates about the ethics of their practices and the need for regulation.

With their vast knowledge of data collection, surveillance, and algorithm design, these former employees possess skills that suit the NSA perfectly. However, the potential for abuse and the erosion of civil liberties are alarming.

Implications for Online Privacy

The recruitment of thousands of fired Big Tech workers by the NSA threatens online privacy on multiple fronts. These employees have already shown a willingness to exploit user data for their own purposes. Placing them in a position where they have access to vast amounts of sensitive information raises serious concerns.

Furthermore, the NSA's track record in safeguarding privacy is far from stellar. Previous disclosures by whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the agency's widespread surveillance programs, which operated with little oversight or transparency. The addition of former Big Tech employees to their ranks only exacerbates these concerns.

The Danger of Collusion

The collusion between Big Tech and the NSA is a troubling development. Both entities already possess considerable power and influence over public discourse and individual freedom. By joining forces, they create a formidable force, capable of further stifling dissenting voices and manipulating public opinion.

There is a risk that these former Big Tech employees will bring their biased beliefs and practices into their new roles at the NSA. This could result in further censorship and bias in the collection and analysis of intelligence.

The Threat to Free Markets

The consolidation of power between the NSA and Big Tech poses a significant threat to free markets. As these entities grow more intertwined, the potential for anti-competitive practices and the suppression of alternative voices increases.

The free market relies on competition and the ability for individuals and businesses to express their views without fear of retribution or censorship. With the NSA actively recruiting former Big Tech employees, the delicate balance necessary for a thriving free market could be disrupted.

The Need for Transparency and Accountability

To prevent the abuse of power and the erosion of civil liberties, transparency and accountability are essential. The public needs to be aware of the extent to which Big Tech employees are being recruited by the NSA and the potential implications for their privacy and freedom.

Additionally, stringent oversight and checks and balances must be put in place to ensure that these new hires do not engage in abuses of power. Maintaining a balance between national security and individual rights is paramount.


The recruitment of thousands of fired Big Tech employees by the NSA raises significant concerns about online privacy, free markets, and corruption. The power and influence these individuals possess, combined with the existing capabilities of the NSA, create a worrisome partnership.

Society must remain vigilant in protecting online privacy, preserving free markets, and preventing the concentration of power in the hands of a few. Transparency, accountability, and a commitment to non-corruption are necessary to safeguard our individual rights and the health of our democracy.


1. What is the NSA?

The National Security Agency (NSA) is a U.S. intelligence agency responsible for collecting and analyzing foreign intelligence and conducting surveillance activities.

2. Why is the recruitment of former Big Tech employees by the NSA concerning?

The recruitment of former Big Tech employees raises concerns about the potential abuse of power, erosion of online privacy, and the consolidation of power between the NSA and Big Tech. It could result in further censorship, manipulation of public opinion, and anti-competitive practices.

3. How can these concerns be addressed?

These concerns can be addressed through transparency, accountability, and stringent oversight. The public needs to be aware of the extent of recruitment, and checks and balances must be put in place to prevent abuses of power. The delicate balance between national security and individual rights must be maintained.

Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire and does not contain factual information.
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