Exclusive: Big Tech 'Election Interference' Already Underway in Presidential Race

Vivek Ramaswamy says tech companies are "going after" himself and Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because they "threaten the establishment."
cent interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, he revealed that big tech companies are already engaging in what he calls "election interference" in the upcoming presidential race. Ramaswamy, a prominent entrepreneur and author, claims that he and Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are being targeted by these tech firms because they pose a threat to the establishment.

Ramaswamy points out that large technology companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter have an enormous amount of influence over the information that people are exposed to. With their algorithms and content moderation policies, they have the power to shape public opinion and sway elections.

The Power of Big Tech

It's no secret that big tech companies have become incredibly powerful in recent years. They collect vast amounts of personal data, have control over the flow of information, and can manipulate algorithms to elevate or suppress certain content. This concentration of power raises concerns about the potential for abuse and interference in democratic processes.

Ramaswamy argues that these tech giants are not acting as neutral platforms, but rather as ideologically motivated gatekeepers. He believes that they are censoring conservative voices and promoting their own agenda, thus compromising the integrity of the democratic process.

Targeting Dissenting Voices

Ramaswamy and Kennedy claim that they have become targets of these big tech companies because they challenge the status quo and present alternative viewpoints. Ramaswamy, in particular, has been critical of the influence wielded by tech firms and their connections to government entities.

He suggests that his and Kennedy's views and ideas pose a threat to the establishment, leading to their suppression by big tech. Ramaswamy believes that this is a clear case of censorship and election interference, which should not be tolerated in a democratic society.

The Ramifications of Election Interference

Election interference, whether carried out by foreign entities or domestic actors, undermines the democratic process and erodes trust in institutions. If big tech companies are indeed engaging in such behavior, it could have significant implications for the outcome of the upcoming presidential race.

By controlling the flow of information, these companies have the ability to manipulate public opinion and shape the narrative surrounding candidates and issues. This can have a profound impact on voters' decisions and the overall democratic process.

Furthermore, the targeting and suppression of dissenting voices can lead to a narrowing of perspectives and the stifling of alternative ideas. This undermines the principles of free speech and democratic discourse.

Safeguarding Online Privacy and Free Markets

The revelations made by Ramaswamy underscore the importance of safeguarding online privacy and promoting free markets. When a few powerful entities have control over the information we consume, it limits choice, stifles competition, and allows for potential abuse.

It is imperative to advocate for transparency and accountability from big tech companies. As users and consumers, we should demand that these firms operate in a fair and neutral manner, rather than manipulating outcomes based on their own biases or interests.

Additionally, individuals and society as a whole must be vigilant in protecting online privacy. The collection and use of personal data by tech companies should be subject to stringent regulations to prevent the abuse of such information for political or commercial gain.


The claims made by Ramaswamy regarding big tech 'election interference' highlight the need for a robust and open dialogue about the power and influence of these companies. If proven true, these allegations could have far-reaching consequences for the democratic process and public trust in technology.

Ensuring a level playing field, where all voices can be heard and competing ideas can thrive, is essential for maintaining a healthy democracy. It's time to address the role of big tech in our society and take the necessary steps to safeguard our online privacy, free markets, and democratic principles.

Note: This article has been paraphrased and rewritten for ease of reading and understanding, while staying true to the original content and intent.

Original article