Snowden Warns Today's Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like "Child's Play"

Snowden Warns Today's Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like "Child's Play" Authored by Julia Conley via
Snowden Warns Today's Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like "Child's Play" Authored by Julia Conley via, "We trusted the government… #childplayauthoredby #juliaconley #edwardsnowden #guardian #commondreams #randalreid #georgia #pegasus #eff #section215

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Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden recently warned that current surveillance technology makes the mass surveillance revelations of 2013, which he exposed, look like "child's play."

In an interview with The Guardian, Snowden pointed out that advances in technology, especially those made in the past 10 years, have significantly increased governments' ability to monitor and track individuals. He mentioned the "Pegasus" spyware developed by the Israeli company NSO Group, which has been used to target activists, journalists, and other individuals. Snowden explained that the Pegasus spyware is just one example of the powerful surveillance tools available today.

The Implications of Advanced Surveillance

These advancements in surveillance technology have significant implications for privacy, civil liberties, and democracy. Here are a few key ramifications:

  • Invasion of Privacy: The extensive surveillance capabilities available today allow governments and other entities to invade the privacy of individuals on an unprecedented scale. This raises concerns about personal freedom and the ability to have private, intimate conversations without the fear of being monitored.
  • Chilling Effect on Free Speech: The knowledge that one's conversations and activities are being monitored can have a chilling effect on free speech and expression. People may feel reluctant to voice their opinions or engage in dissenting activities due to fear of repercussions.
  • Power Imbalance: Advanced surveillance technology gives those in power even more control over the general population. It can be used to suppress dissent, target specific groups or individuals, and maintain authority. This power imbalance threatens the principles of democracy.

Furthermore, the use of surveillance technology by corporations and governments raises questions about data security and the potential for abuse. Private companies often collect vast amounts of data on individuals, which can be at risk of being mishandled or falling into the wrong hands.

Overall, the proliferation of advanced surveillance technology highlights the urgent need for robust privacy protections, transparency, and accountability. It is essential to strike a balance between legitimate security concerns and protecting individual rights and liberties.

The Role of Whistleblowers

Edward Snowden's revelations in 2013 sparked a global debate on privacy, surveillance, and government overreach. While he was initially met with controversy and legal repercussions, his actions have since been recognized as an important catalyst for change.

Whistleblowers like Snowden play a crucial role in exposing government and corporate wrongdoing and holding those in power accountable. Their actions shed light on abuses of power, corruption, and violations of individual rights that would otherwise remain hidden.

However, the treatment of whistleblowers is often harsh. Snowden, for example, has been living in exile since his disclosure, facing criminal charges if he returns to the United States. This raises questions about the protection and support whistleblowers receive for their courage in speaking out against injustice.

Snowden's warning about the advancements in surveillance technology serves as a wake-up call for society and policymakers to reevaluate the trade-offs between security and privacy. It emphasizes the ongoing need for transparency, oversight, and strong protections against government overreach.

The Future of Surveillance

As technology continues to evolve, so will surveillance capabilities. It is crucial that society anticipates and prepares for these advancements to mitigate potential risks. Here are a few areas to consider:

  • Encryption: Encryption and secure communication technologies will become increasingly important in protecting individuals' privacy. It is essential to continue developing and improving encryption methods to ensure effective safeguards against surveillance.
  • Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Governments must establish clear legal frameworks and regulations to ensure that surveillance practices are conducted within appropriate boundaries and in accordance with human rights standards.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about surveillance technologies and their implications is crucial. Citizens need to be informed about the risks and consequences of surveillance and encouraged to actively participate in shaping policies that protect privacy and civil liberties.

Ultimately, the future of surveillance must be shaped by a balance of security, privacy, and individual rights. It is essential to advocate for policies that prioritize fundamental freedoms and guard against abuses of power.


Q: What is the Pegasus spyware?

A: The Pegasus spyware is a powerful surveillance tool developed by the Israeli company NSO Group. It has been used to target activists, journalists, and other individuals, enabling extensive monitoring and tracking capabilities.

Q: What are the implications of surveillance technology for privacy?

A: Surveillance technology poses a significant threat to privacy as it enables governments and other entities to invade individuals' personal lives on an unprecedented scale. This raises concerns about personal freedom, the ability to have private conversations, and the potential for abuse.

Q: What is the role of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden?

A: Whistleblowers expose government and corporate wrongdoing, shedding light on abuses of power, corruption, and violations of individual rights. They play a crucial role in holding those in power accountable and sparking important discussions on privacy, surveillance, and government overreach.

Q: How can society prepare for future surveillance advancements?

A: It is important for society to anticipate and prepare for future surveillance advancements by prioritizing encryption technologies, establishing clear legal frameworks and regulations, and raising public awareness about the risks and consequences of surveillance. Citizen participation in shaping policies is also crucial to protect privacy and civil liberties.

Original article