Fb's Plan for 2020 Is Too Little Too Overdue, Critics Say

The social media corporate says it's going to extra carefully track overseas shops, and warn customers when posts are regarded as false—except they are from politicians.
The social media company says it will more closely monitor foreign outlets, and warn users when posts are considered false—unless they're from politicians.Original article
Author: Conde Nast

Conde Nast has recently written 10 articles on similar topics including :
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  4. "At WIRED25, the ex-chief product officer talks about why he left the social media company and his new work on climate and progressive politics". (November 9, 2019)
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  6. "On this weeks podcast, we talk about Facebook's loud new look, Google buying Fitbit, and what happens when big brands take over small, disparate products". (November 8, 2019)
  7. "In a new report, Penn State political scientists say that it's not the recommendation engine, but the communities that form around right-wing content". (October 23, 2019)
  8. "Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat, lock down who can see what you're up to". (October 20, 2019)
  9. "The social media company will pay companies including the New York Times, WIREDand Breitbartto distribute their content". (October 26, 2019)
  10. "The company is turbocharging its bug bounty to try to stop the next data leak before it happens". (October 15, 2019)
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