Facebook Permanently Deletes the Accounts of NSO Workers - Slashdot

But that does not mean someone else cannot be worse.Facebook buying your data from elsewhere is still far less of a problem compared to putting malware **on** your phone, which is apparently what these guys have done.

Unsurprisingly, turning a blind eye to these two rules being flagrantly violated is a cornerstone of Facebook's business strategy.

If someone shows up at your house and breaks your legs, do you think it should matter whether they were paid to do it, or if they did it because they wanted to?

So the guy who is paid to wash the car of the people who broke your legs should also get in trouble with the law even if he had no clue as to the intention of the leg breakers?

The people who work for NSO have just discovered that there are consequences for bad behavior, and working for NSO means that people might not want to associate with you.

After Prism was imposed upon carriers, what if a pissed-off Verizon in the DC area cancelled all Verizon accounts of all government employees and their families..

Employees of a rival company were voluntarily posting their personal data all over Facebook, probably including comments about their workplace, and Facebook shut them down?

But isn't anyone a bit worried, that FB appointed themselves judges who may and who may not take part in the public exchange of views on an equal footing?

Original article