Facebook announces dates for its 2020 F8 developers conference

Facebook announced its plans for its F8 annual developer conference, which is where the company shows off its latest technology, apps and its vision for the future.

Last year, the company used the F8 event to introduce a huge redesign of Facebook.com, plus upgrades, products, and expansions in areas like Messenger, WhatsApp, Dating, Marketplace and beyond. It also showed off how its putting new technology to work, including with VR, smart home, hardware, and other developer-facing technology, including Facebooks Ax and BoTorch initiatives.

Facebook isnt yet talking about what it will show off at F8 in 2020, but says it will feature: product demos, deep-dive sessions that showcase how technology can enable you to come together and create your best work, and opportunities for you to network with our global developer community and learn from each other, according to its announcement.

Beyond the news that comes from F8 in terms of individual products, the conference gives Facebook a platform to present its overarching vision.

But some of its launches also demonstrate that the company is painfully aware of how much its ceding traction to other social apps, like Snapchat and TikTok. Well see if Facebook has any new responses to those challenges, or to the larger, more existential issues Facebook now faces with the rise of anti-trust investigations that put Facebook in their crosshairs.

Original article
Author: Sarah Perez

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

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