Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google reject U.S. antitrust report that said they wield "too much power"

Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google have rejected the findings of an antitrust report that accused each of abusing monopoly powers.

Antitrust subcommittee chair David Cicilline said on Twitter each company uses that dominance to control distribution, protect their positioning and expand their powers.

The four technology and social media companies named in the antitrust report swiftly reacted to the release with carefully-crafted legal responses, with all indications that it will not be easy to take control from their grasp.

The Mark Zuckerberg-led social media goliath fell back on the claim that acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsAppkey aspects of the antitrust investigationswere compliant with regulators at the time and therefore it should not be a problem.

And yet, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, those fallacies are at the core of regulatory spit-balling on antitrust.

Technology giant Apple said it strongly opposed the findings of the new antitrust report, denying in a lengthy rebuttal that it does not hold a monopoly market position.

Original article
Author: Newsweek

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