Near the Trump International Hotel , two young girls protest at the March For Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. Photo by Tim Mudd on Unsplash [Download]

Youve Gotta Appreciate How Lazy the Bloomberg Social Media Recruits Are

Some are posting so automatically that Twitter thinks they're bots. They make $2,500 per 30 days.
Some are posting so robotically that Twitter thinks they are bots. They make $2,500 per month.

Original articleOriginal article
Author: Bafeldman

The latest Tweets from brian feldman (@bafeldman). dog owner., but you can also DM me. New York, NY

Bafeldman has recently written 5 articles on similar topics including :
  1. "The implied truth effect means that Facebooks fact-checking process may be worse than doing nothing". (March 9, 2020)
  2. "The House Speaker called out Facebook for allowing the video to remain up". (May 31, 2019)
  3. "The billionaire has crafted aggressive social-media campaigns that adhere to the letter of the law but not the spirit". (February 19, 2020)
  4. "The two companies will collaborate on ways to monitor the spread of coronavirus without compromising user privacy". (April 11, 2020)
  5. "Facebook is, for some reason, making its name more prominent in its other apps". (November 6, 2019)
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