Xage adds full-stack data protection to blockchain security platform

Xage, a startup that has been taking an bizarre path to secure legacy corporations like oil and gas and utilities with lend a hand from the blockchain, offered a brand spanking new knowledge protection service in recent times. Xage CEO Duncan Greatwood, says that up until this degree, the company has focused on protecting consumers…
Xage, a startup that has been taking an unusual path to secure legacy companies like oil and gas and utilities with help from the blockchain, announced a new data protection service today. Xage CEO Duncan Greatwood, says that up until this point, the company has concentrated on protecting customers…Original article
Author: Ron Miller

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

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  3. "The hype around blockchain seems to have cooled a bit, but companies like Kadena have been working on enterprise-grade solutions for some time, and continue to push the technology forward". (August 27, 2019)
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