Venom Blockchain Teams Up with DAO Maker to Support Web3 Startups Solving Real-world Problems

Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, February 13, 2023, Chainwire
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, 13th February, 2023, Chainwire
ttps://" alt="Venom Blockchain Partners with DAO Maker to Incubate Web3 Startups Focused on Real-world Use Cases" />
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, February 13, 2023, Chainwire

Venom Blockchain, a leading player in the blockchain industry, has announced a partnership with DAO Maker, a prominent incubator for Web3 startups. The collaboration aims to support and nurture startups that focus on solving real-world problems using blockchain technology.

Embracing the Potential of Web3 Startups

The partnership between Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker signifies a shared belief in the transformative power of Web3 startups. By harnessing the capabilities of blockchain technology, these startups have the potential to revolutionize various industries and address pressing global challenges.

Web3 startups, in contrast to their Web2 counterparts, are built on decentralized protocols that prioritize user ownership, privacy, and security. These startups aim to disrupt traditional models and overcome the limitations of the centralized systems that dominate most industries today.

Through their collaboration, Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker aim to provide the necessary support and resources to enable Web3 startups to thrive and succeed.

Fostering Innovation and Real-world Impact

The partnership will focus on incubating startups that demonstrate a strong commitment to solving real-world problems. Both Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker recognize the importance of supporting projects that have a tangible impact on society.

By fostering innovation in key areas such as healthcare, finance, supply chain management, and governance, the partnership aims to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize these sectors.

Startups incubated through this collaboration will benefit from Venom Blockchain's extensive network and expertise in blockchain technology, as well as DAO Maker's experience in incubating and launching successful Web3 startups.

The Rise of Web3 and the Future of Decentralization

The partnership between Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker comes at a time when interest in Web3 technology is rapidly growing. Web3 represents a new era of the internet, one that prioritizes user privacy, data ownership, and decentralized governance.

Web3 startups are at the forefront of this shift, utilizing blockchain technology to create decentralized platforms, applications, and services that empower individuals and promote trust and transparency.

With the support of industry leaders like Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker, Web3 startups have the opportunity to shape the future and challenge the status quo. By prioritizing real-world use cases and embracing the values of privacy and decentralization, these startups can drive meaningful change and revolutionize industries.

Market Implications

  • The partnership between Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker is likely to attract significant attention from investors, as it aligns with the growing demand for Web3 startups.
  • Investors who recognize the potential of blockchain technology and the importance of supporting startups focused on real-world impact may view this partnership as an attractive opportunity.
  • The collaboration may also serve as a catalyst for increased adoption of blockchain technology across various industries, as it highlights the viability and potential of Web3 startups.

The Importance of Incubators in the Blockchain Ecosystem

Incubators play a crucial role in the blockchain ecosystem by providing support, mentorship, and funding to early-stage startups. The partnership between Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker exemplifies the importance of such initiatives in fostering innovation and driving industry growth.

By nurturing and incubating Web3 startups, incubators like DAO Maker help these ventures navigate the challenges and complexities of building decentralized platforms. They also facilitate connections with industry partners and investors, enabling startups to gain traction and scale their operations.

The collaboration between Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker serves as a testament to the value of incubators in the blockchain space and their contribution to building a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem.


The partnership between Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker is an exciting development for the Web3 startup ecosystem. By joining forces, they aim to support and incubate startups that are addressing real-world challenges using blockchain technology.

This collaboration not only highlights the potential of Web3 startups but also emphasizes the importance of decentralized solutions and the values of privacy, ownership, and transparency.

As the interest in Web3 technology continues to grow, partnerships like this can pave the way for a more decentralized and equitable future, where innovation thrives and the status quo is challenged.


What is Web3?

Web3 refers to the next generation of the internet, which is built on decentralized protocols and prioritizes user ownership, privacy, and security. It aims to overcome the limitations of centralized systems and enable peer-to-peer interactions without intermediaries.

What role do incubators play in the blockchain ecosystem?

Incubators in the blockchain ecosystem provide support, mentorship, and funding to early-stage startups. They help startups navigate the challenges of building decentralized platforms and facilitate connections with industry partners and investors.

How can the partnership between Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker impact the market?

The partnership is likely to attract attention from investors and increase the adoption of blockchain technology in various industries. It highlights the potential of Web3 startups and their ability to address real-world challenges.

Original article