Pigeon, a Waze for public transit from Googles Space 120, expands around the U.S.

Crowdsourced transit app Pigeon, advanced inside of Google’s Space 120 lab for experimental initiatives, is these days rolling out to 5 new towns around the U.S., along with New York — together with Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. In contrast to conventional transit app…
Crowdsourced transit app Pigeon, developed within Google’s Area 120 lab for experimental projects, is today rolling out to five new cities across the U.S., in addition to New York — including Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. Unlike traditional transit app…Original article
Author: Sarah Perez

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

Sarah Perez has recently written 10 articles on similar topics including :
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  2. "In October, Google debuted experimental apps focused on digital wellbeing, including one that offered a notification mailbox, another that tracked how long you went between phone unlocks, and even one that let you print out the information you needed from your phone for the day so you wouldn". (January 22, 2020)
  3. "Google is rolling out a series of updates aimed at helping local businesses adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to serve their customers across Google Maps and Search". (May 27, 2020)
  4. "Following the big revamp of Google Shopping last fall, Google today is updating the shopping experience on Google Search, on mobile. Now, when you do a web search for clothing and accessories, you wont just get a set of links to different products and stores". (January 15, 2020)
  5. "The coronavirus outbreak, elections and Zoom meetings were on the minds of U.S. consumers this year, according to Googles list of the U.S. top trending searches in 2020, released this morning". (December 9, 2020)
  6. "If youre ever felt like there just werent enough emoji options to express how youre feeling, a new addition to Googles Gboard keyboard, launching today, aims to help". (February 12, 2020)
  7. "In October, Google debuted experimental apps focused on digital well-being, including one that offered a notification mailbox, another that tracked how long you went between phone unlocks and even one that let you print the information you needed from your phone for the day so you wouldnt ha". (January 22, 2020)
  8. "Google is expanding the feature set for its Advanced Protection Program, a security offering that helps safeguard Google Accounts of those at risk for targeted attacks like politicians, journalists, activists, business leaders, and others". (March 18, 2020)
  9. "Googles in-house incubator, Area 120, is today releasing its latest project called Stack, an app that will help you digitize your documents, receipts and other papers you have lying around the house, and then automatically save them to Google Drive". (March 30, 2021)
  10. "Last year, Google made a significant change to its Google Shopping destination by making it free for e-commerce retailers to sell on Google, when before the Shopping tab had been dominated by paid product listings. It also made it free for partners to participate in Google Flights". (March 9, 2021)
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