Mom pays thanks to ex's new partner for helping raise her daughter in viral Facebook post

But one divorced mom, Brittney Johnson, from Columbia, Missouri, has made headlines with her viral Facebook post praising her ex-husbands new partner.

The remarkable note of appreciation from one woman to another has earned lots of positive comments from those who are impressed at this example of co-parenting. As this open-minded mom wrote, her daughter has more people to love her this way, and what more could a mother ever want for her child?

As Judith Wallerstein, a psychologist specializing in divorce found in her long-term studies, most children of blended families feel the lack of a template, a working model, for a loving relationship between a man and a woman.

Seeing conflict between biological parents before divorce and then between co-parents afterward can be extremely damaging for young children. Though the two were no longer together, they agreed to continue to co-parent their young daughter Payton no matter what happened.

After quickly getting past her own misapprehensions, Johnson came to appreciate the stability and support that Imhoff helped bring to her daughters life.

Being in a relationship with someone who has a child can be daunting; knowing that things can get complicated, she said.

Choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid at the exact same time.You can have courage, or you can have comfort, but you cant have both-Brene Brown

Despite the difficult situation, Johnson is ultimately convinced that everyone is doing what is best for her daughter, and thats all that matters.

Original article
Author: EpochTimes

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