Looking for toilet paper, disinfecting wipes or hand sanitizer? Try bartering on Facebook and Nextdoor

Welcome to the true sharing financial system. Friends and neighbors arrange trades on Facebook and Nextdoor for family necessities like toilet paper, eggs and bread.
Welcome to the real sharing economy. Friends and neighbors set up trades on Facebook and Nextdoor for household essentials like toilet paper, eggs and bread.

Original articleOriginal article
Author: Jessica Guynn

The latest Tweets from USA TODAY (@USATODAY). The latest news and most interesting stories from USA TODAY. News that's meant to be shared. USA TODAY HQ, McLean, Va.

Jessica Guynn has recently written 11 articles on similar topics including :
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  2. "The avatars, clones of Snapchat's popular Bitmoji, are being rolled out to U.S. users on Facebook and Messenger, Facebook says". (May 13, 2020)
  3. "Facebook, Twitter refuse to remove Trump video that makes it appear that Nancy Pelosiripped up speech when president was saluting a Tuskegee airman". (February 7, 2020)
  4. "Facebook rolls out group video chats Messenger Rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic."This is what people really need right now," Facebook exec says". (April 24, 2020)
  5. "Tuesday's pledge came ahead of meeting with civil rights leaders over a growing advertising boycott over hate speech and racism on Facebook platforms". (July 7, 2020)
  6. "Civil rights groups from the NAACP to the ADL are calling on advertisers to boycott Facebook in July to protest its failure to remove hate speech". (June 17, 2020)
  7. "Facebook combats coronavirus misinformation with resources and real-time updates from public health authorities on COVID-19 at the top of news feeds". (March 18, 2020)
  8. "Facebook is launching its largest get-out-the-vote drive yet ahead of the presidential election with goal of registering 4 million voters this year". (June 17, 2020)
  9. "Warning of a threat to democracy, civil rights activists say they've formed a oversight board to scrutinize Facebook's role in the 2020 election". (September 25, 2020)
  10. "As COVID-19 spreads, defectors who swore off Facebook years ago are reluctantly returning to connect with friends". (April 3, 2020)
  11. "The only way to take back online privacy in our share-all world: Withhold personal information whenever possible and use alternate emails and an alias". (February 5, 2020)
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