Judd Apatow Calls Out Hollywoods Chinese Censorship: They Have Bought Our Silence on Human Rights Abuses

Hollywood director Judd Apatow has slammed Hollywoods willingness to censor its content to appease China, saying that Beijing has successfully bought the silence of the industrys power players on matters concerning human rights atrocities in the communist country.

What Apatow described as much scarier is how Hollywood has completely shut down critical content about human rights abuses in China by refusing to cover and include those themes on screen.

Instead of us doing business with China and that leading to China becoming more free, what has happened is a place like China has bought our silence with their money.

The 52-year-old Knocked Updirector, who remains a staunch progressive activist and opponent of the Trump administration, also recently called out Disney over the release ofMulan,a film that was shot partly in the region of Xijiang where China has set up mass concentration camps for imprisoned Uyghur Muslims who are forced into labor.

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Author: Breitbart

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