Huawei and Google scrapped their sensible speaker because of US ban

Huawei and Google reportedly shelved plans for a wise speaker.
Huawei and Google reportedly shelved plans for a smart speaker.

Original articleOriginal article
Author: Christine Fisher

The latest Tweets from Christine Fisher (@cfisherwrites). freelance writer, seen covering tech @engadget, still tweeting about my first love, philadelphia. Portland, ME

Christine Fisher has recently written 11 articles on similar topics including :
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  5. "Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced Bluesky, an attempt to create an open, decentralized social media standard". (December 11, 2019)
  6. "Feds demand Apple and Google hand over data on 10,000 users of a gun scope app". (September 7, 2019)
  7. "Facebook will make Pages more transparent ahead of the 2020 election". (October 22, 2019)
  8. "Google's former global head of international relations claims he was pushed out of the company for advocating for human rights". (January 2, 2020)
  9. "Apple has a few issues with Google's recent iOS vulnerability claims". (September 6, 2019)
  10. "Google is supposedly considering paying news outlets for quality journalism". (February 14, 2020)
  11. "Google and Facebook are attempting to stay ahead of coronavirus conspiracy theories and fake cures". (January 31, 2020)
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