How AG Bill Barr could punish Google

Also: Bill Barr, the president's attorney general/Roy Cohn, decided that taxpayers should defend Mr. Trump in a defamation suit.

Attorney General Bill Barr is going to bring antitrust charges against Alphabet Inc., the parent of Google, before Election Day. As you may already know, there's been a lot of chatter about Barr pushing the Justice Department staff to wrap up its work early.

You know, there's still the pandemic out there and climate change is doing a number on California and the Pacific Northwest. Pocket review: some single workers at tech companies are grumbling that family-friendly COVID-19 policieslike extended home leaves to home school kidsdiscriminate against single and/or childless workers.

In other words: they're not getting the same COVID breaks and, furthermore, are picking up the slack for slacker parents.
Some parents respond by observing that their childless peers aren't accounting for things like their endless cigarette breaks.

Gannett, the mega, and troubled, 200-newspaper chain hired Mayur Gupta last week to be its chief marketing and strategy officer. Local news organizations, for instance, need to produce deep coverage of town governmentsfrom town hall to the local zoning board and even the sewer commission.

But they might start by getting Congress and the Trump administration to provide relief funds to the country's major metro areas.

Original article
Author: Newsweek

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