Google plans to give slow websites a new badge of shame in Chrome

A new badge could appear in the future thats designed to highlight sites that are authored in a way that makes them slow generally.

Google will look at historical load latencies to figure out which sites are guilty of slow load times and flag them, and the Chrome team is also exploring identifying sites that will load slowly based on device hardware or network connectivity.

Google is experimenting with having a loading screen to warn Chrome users, or a loading progress bar that would appear green if the site is fast and, presumably, red if its slow.

Its not clear exactly when this new badging system will appear in Chrome, but Google unveiled its plans at the companys Chrome Dev Summit in San Francisco today.

The company has carefully worded its announcement with lots of may hedges, so its likely Google is looking for immediate feedback from web developers before it progresses.

Google also unveiled its vision for the future of Chrome today, and it appears the company is focusing on WebAssembly, powerful capabilities, and Progress Web Apps .

Original article
Author: Tom.warren

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