Google is ending support for the Explorer Edition of Glass

Google is rolling out one more update for the Explorer Edition of Glass before cutting off support for its old wearable.

Despite people raising privacy concerns about its ability to record videos, the company quickly released an upgraded version of the device.

In a support page detailing the final update, Google says users will need to manually download, unzip and install the file.

Doing so will allow them to pair Glass with their phone as well as take photos and videos, as usual.
Those who don't update the device can continue using it, but mirror apps like Gmail, YouTube and Hangouts will no longer work.

After February 25th, 2020, though, they need install the update or they'll no longer be able to use Glass if they're not logged in or get logged out. They can wait until they get kicked out of the system to install the file, but they'll have to keep in mind that the update will only be available until February 25th, 2022.

Original article
Author: Mariellamoon

The latest Tweets from Mariella Moon (@mariella_moon). Associate editor @engadget. Pitch me cool stuff on space tech and robots: mariella[@]engadget. For freelance work, PM me. Philippines

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