Facebook's reputation takes a hit in new survey

Facebook's reputation took a long dive over the past year, staggering under an avalanche of controversies, a new Harris Poll survey in partnership with Axios has found.

But Facebook's drop in the Axios Harris Poll 100, a new partnership between Axios and Harris Poll, is in a class of its own suggesting that the social network may be uniquely vulnerable to a loss of public confidence.

Amazon, which fell from the top position to second place in the Harris poll, is coasting serenely above the privacy-controversy maelstrom.

The bottom line: Facebook hasn't suffered too much damage from all of the scrutiny so far there's no sign that masses of users are deleting their accounts. But the reputational damage could become a problem if it starts having an impact on how much time users spend on Facebook and how much they share.

Methodology: The Axios Harris Poll 100 survey was conducted November through January in a nationally representative sample.

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