Facebook rebrands Libra wallet Calibra to Novi

When Facebook unveiled Libra, its cryptocurrency mission, there have been two distinct entities — the Libra Association, a not-for-profit that oversees all issues Libra, and Calibra, a Facebook subsidiary this is development a Libra-based wallet with integrations in WhatsApp and Messenger. Today, Face…
When Facebook unveiled Libra, its cryptocurrency project, there were two distinct entities — the Libra Association, a not-for-profit that oversees all things Libra, and Calibra, a Facebook subsidiary that is building a Libra-based wallet with integrations in WhatsApp and Messenger. Today, Face…Original article
Author: Romain Dillet

Romain Dillet is a Senior Writer at TechCrunch. Originally from France, Romain attended EMLYON Business School, a leading French business school specialized in entrepreneurship. He covers many things from mobile apps with great design to fashion, Apple, AI and complex tech achievements. He also …

Romain Dillet has recently written 3 articles on similar topics including :
  1. "The Libra Association, the consortium created by Facebook to oversee all things Libra, has updated its white paper to make some changes. The association is abandoning its original plan to create a global stablecoin directly tied to a basket of fiat currencies and securities". (April 16, 2020)
  2. "Many officials claim that governments should regulate Facebook and other social platforms, but few describe what it actually means. A few days ago, France released a report that outlines what France — and maybe the European Union — plans to do when it comes to content moderation". (May 21, 2019)
  3. "Argent is launching the first public version of its Ethereum wallet for iOS and Android. The company has been available as a limited beta for a few months with a few thousand users". (May 18, 2020)
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