Facebook is using machine learning to self-tune its myriad of services

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Regardless of what you may think of Facebook as a platform, they run a massive operation and when you reach their level of scale you have to get more creative in how you handle every aspect of your…

Original article

Author: Lars

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  4. "5G wireless internet service Common Networks is harnessing Facebook's tech". (February 25, 2019)
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  6. "Two of Facebook's four fact-checking partners in the U.S. have left the program as of the beginning of this year: Snopes, which recently rebuffed reports that its relationship with Facebook was strained, and the Associated Press". (February 2, 2019)
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  8. "Facebook says that it accidentally deleted some of Mark Zuckerberg's posts, and it doesn't expect to restore them". (March 31, 2019)
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