Facebook, Instagram Ban French Comedian Dieudonne for Antisemitism

Facebook permanently banned French comedian Dieudonne on Monday, saying the convicted anti-Semite had been deleted both from its platform and Instagram for publishing content that belittled Holocaust victims.

The French-born 54-year-old comedian, who goes by his first name Dieudonne, had his YouTube channel cut off for similar reasons in June by mother company Google.

Dieudonne has a long history of antagonising Jews and questioning the historical veracity of the Holocaust both in Europe and beyond, as Breitbart News reported.

Dieudonne was at that time appealing against a fine he received from a French court in 2009 for inviting a Holocaust denier on stage.

He took to Facebook after theCharlie Hebdokillings andinsultedusers of the Je suis Charlie meme by saying he identified more closely with Islamist terroristAmedy Coulibaly who killed four at the Paris kosher supermarket than the victims.

The International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism welcomed the latest ban as a great victory, saying Dieudonnes posts have done considerable and irreparable damage among young people.

The French government has tried on several occasions to shut down the shows of Dieudonne who rails against the Zionist lobby which he claims controls the world through banking, finance and industrial cabals known only to a small circle of families.

Original article