Facebook and police defend inaction over Kenosha militia group

Two days after a 17-year-old allegedly shot two protesters dead in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Facebook has admitted that despite being warned by users, it did not remove calls for armed citizens to attend the protests in the name of law and order.

According to a report from The Verge, while the company has now taken down an event page posted by self-styled militia the Kenosha Guard, it told at least two users who reported it that it go against one of our Community Standards.

Facebook has lately been cracking down on extremist groups which advocate for violence after years of condemnation for its slowness to act. The company has since issued a statement saying it has not found any direct link between the group and the deadly shooting, but that Rittenhouses accounts have now been removed.

It also said the Kenosha Guards presence has been terminated because it violated our new policy addressing militia organisations.

While it remains unclear whether the alleged shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, had come to the city specifically in answer to the Kenosha Guards call, pictures have since emerged apparently showing Rittenhouse himself at the protest standing among groups of white men in combat fatigues, holding his AR-15.

In a video interview with the right-wing Daily Caller website before the shooting, Rittenhouse described himself as a militia-style fighter.

There is also footage circulating showing police officers handing out bottles of water to one such group again, apparently, including Rittenhouse and thanking them for attending, even as they warn them to respect the curfew and clear the area.

In the wake of the shooting, Kenosha police are under heavy pressure to explain why militiamen were allowed to attend the protest and not arrested or dispersed despite openly carrying assault weapons, and have yet to explain the video of officers thanking them for their presence.

So last night, a 17-year-old individual from Antioch, Illinois was involved in the use of firearms to resolve whatever conflict was in place.

Original article
Author: Independent

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