Despite U.S. Pressure, Germany Refuses To Exclude Huawei's 5G Technology

The Trump administration insists that Chinese firm Huawei, which makes 5G technology, could hand over data to the Chinese government.

Germany already has plenty of specialists who can monitor the current version of 5G software for security bugs, says Jan Bindig, a data security expert and director of Bindig Media in Leipzig.

And it's not unusual for governments to spy, says Frank Pieke, director of the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin.

Meanwhile, Germany continues to push on with its 5G auction and not only because it wants to improve its famously slow data speed.

Driverless cars need a super-fast network to communicate with traffic lights, with each other and with sensors that alert them to jaywalkers.

Peter Beyer, a member of Merkel's cabinet who is in charge of transatlantic relations, brought up self-driving cars in a statement intended to placate the U.S.

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