Decrypted: Teslas ransomware near miss, Palantirs S-1 risk factors

Thats how much a Tesla employee would have netted if they accepted a bribe from a Russian operative to install malware on Teslas Gigafactory network in Nevada.

The Justice Department charged the 27-year-old Russian, Egor Igorevich, weeks later as he tried to flee the United States.

According to the indictment, his plan was to ask the employee to deliberately deploy ransomware on the Gigafactorys network, grinding the network to a halt for a ransom of several million dollars.The would-be insider threat is likely the first of its kind, one ransomware expert told Wired, as financially driven hackers continue to up their game.

Original article
Author: Zack Whittaker

Zack Whittaker writes about cybersecurity for TechCrunch. You can send tips securely via Signal and WhatsApp to +1 646-755-8849, and his PGP fingerprint for email is: 4D0E 92F2 E36A EC51 DAAE 5D97 CB8C 15FA EB6C EEA5. He can also be reached by email:

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  6. "The WastedLocker ransomware, used by a notorious Russian hacking group, is said to be to blame". (July 25, 2020)
  7. "The breach occurred in March". (March 26, 2020)
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