Roald Dahl Rewrites: Edited Language in Books Criticized as Absurd Censorship

Author Salman Rushdie among those angry after some passages relating to weight, gender, mental health and race were rewritten
d author Roald Dahl has faced criticism after it was revealed that some passages in his books, pertaining to weight, gender, psychological well-being, and race, have been rewritten. This move has been seen by many as a form of absurd censorship.

The decision to alter the language in Dahl's books has caused outcry, with author Salman Rushdie among those offended by the changes. Critics argue that rewriting the books is a misguided attempt to sanitize literature and impose current societal values on works created in a different time period.

The Impact of Rewriting

The decision to rewrite passages in Roald Dahl's books raises several important questions:

  • Should literature be edited to align with current societal norms?
  • Does this constitute an erasure of history and an infringement on freedom of expression?
  • What are the implications of rewriting classic works?

While it is essential to promote inclusivity and address problematic content, it is equally important to recognize the historical and cultural context in which these works were written. Rewriting the language may undermine the original intent and artistic expression of the author.

Moreover, this move towards rewriting literature can be seen as a form of censorship, as it restricts the freedom of authors to express themselves and audiences to engage with the original text. It sets a precedent where works of art are subjected to constant revision, potentially erasing valuable insights into our history and culture.

The Role of Literature

Literature plays a vital role in reflecting the realities and complexities of the societies in which it is created. By altering the language in works such as Roald Dahl's, we risk diluting the power of literature to challenge and provoke thought.

Censoring or rewriting literature is not the solution to tackling social issues or promoting inclusivity. Instead, it is vital to engage in open discussions, education, and critical analysis to address problematic elements within literary works. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of the historical context and the opportunity to learn from past mistakes.

Rather than rewriting, investing in diverse voices within the literary world can provide greater representation and ensure a variety of perspectives are heard. It is through these diverse voices that we can challenge and dismantle harmful stereotypes, fostering a society that embraces inclusivity without compromising artistic integrity.

Integrity of Artistic Vision

Art, including literature, should be appreciated in its original form - flaws and all. By attempting to rewrite or censor works, we risk altering the artistic vision and losing the unique qualities that make them enduring and thought-provoking.

Roald Dahl's books have been beloved by readers for decades, and part of their charm lies in the distinct voice and style of the author. Editing the language to conform to contemporary sensibilities may dilute the authenticity and impact of his work.

It is important to recognize that works of art are products of their time and reflect the attitudes and beliefs prevalent during their creation. They serve as a snapshot of history and can provide valuable insights into societal changes and progress.


The decision to rewrite passages in Roald Dahl's books is a contentious one. While there is a need to address problematic elements in literature, rewriting works can be seen as a form of censorship and an erasure of history. It is essential to find a balance between promoting inclusivity and preserving the integrity of artistic expression.

By engaging in open conversations, promoting diverse voices, and providing education, we can navigate the complexities of literature and foster a society that values both free expression and inclusivity.


Should literature be edited to align with current societal norms?

There is a debate surrounding this question. While some argue that editing literature aligns it with current societal values, others argue that it erases the historical context and artistic expression of the original work.

Does rewriting literature infringe on freedom of expression?

Rewriting literature can be seen as a restriction on the freedom of expression, as it limits the original intent of the author. However, it is important to strike a balance between free expression and addressing problematic content.

What are the implications of rewriting classic works?

Rewriting classic works raises questions about the authenticity and historical context of these works. It can also set a precedent for constant revision, potentially erasing valuable insights into our history and culture.

Original article