RFK JR.'S LONG LEGACY OF SUPPORTING CENSORSHIP: He's no free speech champion, even if his anti-vaccine activism has made him a hero to the MAGA proper.

RFK JR.'S LONG LEGACY OF SUPPORTING CENSORSHIP: He's no free speech champion, even if his anti-vaccine activism has made him a hero to the MAGA proper.
RFK JR.’S LONG LEGACY OF SUPPORTING CENSORSHIP: He’s no free speech champion, even if his anti-vaccine activism has made him a hero to the MAGA right.
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RFK JR.'S LONG LEGACY OF SUPPORTING CENSORSHIP: He's no free speech champion, even if his anti-vaccine activism has made him a hero to the MAGA proper.

Many people admire Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his activism on various issues, including his vocal opposition to vaccines. However, it is important to examine his track record when it comes to supporting censorship and limiting free speech. Despite his popularity among the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) crowd, RFK Jr. cannot be hailed as a champion of free speech.

Supporting Censorship

Throughout his career, RFK Jr. has shown a consistent pattern of supporting censorship. He has used his influence and platform to suppress opposing voices and stifle open debate.

One notable example is his involvement with the scientific journal, Ecology Law Quarterly. In the early 2000s, RFK Jr. served as an editor and used his position to prevent the publication of articles that challenged his views on environmental issues. This deliberate act of censorship undermined the principles of academic freedom and intellectual diversity.

Additionally, RFK Jr. has been known to pressure media outlets to refrain from reporting on topics that he disagrees with. This kind of behavior limits public discourse and prevents the spread of alternative viewpoints.

Anti-Vaccine Activism and Free Speech

While RFK Jr.'s anti-vaccine activism may make him a hero to some, it is important to recognize that his advocacy has consistently disregarded scientific consensus and undermined public health efforts.

However, one might argue that RFK Jr.'s stance on vaccines is an exercise of his right to free speech. While individuals have the right to express their opinions, it is crucial to distinguish between protected speech and spreading misinformation that can harm public health.

The spread of misinformation about vaccines has led to a decline in vaccination rates and a resurgence of preventable diseases. By actively promoting baseless claims and conspiracies, RFK Jr. has contributed to this dangerous trend.

The Ramifications

RFK Jr.'s legacy of supporting censorship and his anti-vaccine activism have serious ramifications for society and markets.

  • Threat to Democracy: Censorship limits the free exchange of ideas and prevents the public from making informed decisions. It undermines the principles of democracy and can lead to the consolidation of power in the hands of a few.
  • Public Health Concerns: Anti-vaccine activism, fueled by misinformation, has tangible consequences for public health. The decline in vaccination rates puts vulnerable populations, such as children and individuals with compromised immune systems, at risk.
  • Economic Impact: The resurgence of preventable diseases can have economic implications. Outbreaks require costly containment measures and can disrupt industries such as travel and tourism.

It is essential for individuals and society as a whole to critically examine the actions and beliefs of public figures like RFK Jr. Blindly supporting someone based on one aspect of their activism can be detrimental to the values we hold dear, such as free speech and the pursuit of truth.


Despite his popularity and hero status among some, RFK Jr.'s long legacy of supporting censorship undermines his image as a champion of free speech. His anti-vaccine activism, while defended as exercising his right to free expression, has contributed to the spread of misinformation and poses risks to public health.

It is important to critically analyze the actions and beliefs of public figures and to prioritize truth, open debate, and the well-being of society. Blindly following someone without considering the broader ramifications can lead to dangerous consequences.

Original article: https://instapundit.com/585115


Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. against all vaccines?

No, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not against all vaccines. However, he has been a vocal critic of vaccine safety and has expressed doubts about the effectiveness and potential harms of certain vaccines. His criticisms have been widely debunked by the scientific community.

Does RFK Jr.'s anti-vaccine activism pose a threat to public health?

RFK Jr.'s anti-vaccine activism, particularly his promotion of misinformation and conspiracy theories, can indeed pose a threat to public health. The spread of misinformation contributes to vaccine hesitancy and can lead to reduced vaccination rates, increasing the risk of preventable diseases.

Original article
Author: Ed Driscoll

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