Deepfakes, Cheapfakes, and Twitter Censorship Mar Turkey's Elections

As the main candidates head to a runoff, disinformation is running riot on Turkish social media.
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As Turkey's primary candidates head to a runoff, a wave of disinformation is causing turmoil on Turkish social media. Deepfakes, cheapfakes, and Twitter censorship are all playing a part in marring the country's elections and undermining trust in the democratic process.

Deepfakes and Cheapfakes

Deepfakes are highly convincing manipulated videos that use artificial intelligence algorithms to superimpose one person's face onto another person's body. Cheapfakes, on the other hand, are low-quality edited videos that do not use advanced AI technology but can still be misleading.

In the context of Turkish elections, deepfakes and cheapfakes are being used to spread false information, manipulate public opinion, and discredit opposing candidates. Political actors are leveraging these technologies to create videos that seem real, making it difficult for the average citizen to discern between fact and fiction.

This manipulation of information can have serious consequences for the electoral process, as voters may make decisions based on false information that has been intentionally spread to benefit certain candidates or parties. It undermines the very foundation of democracy, which relies on an informed electorate making choices based on accurate and truthful information.

Twitter Censorship

Twitter, as a major social media platform, plays a significant role in shaping public discourse during elections. However, it is not immune to manipulation and censorship.

In the case of Turkey's elections, Twitter has been accused of censoring content and suspending accounts that criticize the ruling party or promote opposition candidates. This kind of censorship limits free speech and stifles important conversations about the political landscape, ultimately hindering the democratic process.

Twitter's algorithms have also been criticized for inadvertently amplifying disinformation and fake news through their recommendation systems. This further perpetuates the spread of false information and undermines the credibility of online platforms as sources of reliable information.

The Ramifications

The use of deepfakes, cheapfakes, and Twitter censorship in Turkey's elections has wide-ranging ramifications for both society and markets. Here are some of the key implications:

1. Erosion of Trust

The deliberate spread of disinformation erodes public trust in institutions and the democratic process. When citizens cannot trust the information they receive, they may disengage from the political process altogether or make decisions based on false premises. This undermines the legitimacy of the elected officials and weakens the democratic fabric of the country.

2. Manipulation of Public Opinion

Deepfakes and cheapfakes can manipulate public opinion by creating false narratives or amplifying existing biases. When people are exposed to manipulated videos that validate their preconceptions or attack their opponents, it becomes challenging to have meaningful and constructive debates about policy issues. This polarization further divides society and hampers the search for common ground.

3. Market Consequences

The integrity of elections is crucial for maintaining stable economic conditions. If elections are marred by disinformation and manipulation, it can create uncertainty in the markets and affect investor confidence. Businesses may hesitate to make long-term investments, leading to economic stagnation or instability. Additionally, a lack of trust in the political system can hinder foreign investment and economic growth.

4. Implications for Future Elections

The tactics used in Turkey's elections serve as a warning for future elections worldwide. As technology advances, the potential for manipulative tactics like deepfakes and cheapfakes will only increase. Governments and technology platforms must take proactive steps to prevent the spread of disinformation and protect the integrity of electoral processes.


The use of deepfakes, cheapfakes, and Twitter censorship in Turkey's elections is a concerning development that threatens the democratic process and undermines the trust of citizens. It highlights the need for robust measures to combat disinformation and protect the integrity of elections. Without such measures, the erosion of trust and the manipulation of public opinion will continue to plague future elections, eroding the very foundations of democratic societies.


What are deepfakes and cheapfakes?

Deepfakes are manipulated videos that use artificial intelligence algorithms to superimpose one person's face onto another person's body, creating highly convincing but fabricated content. Cheapfakes, on the other hand, are low-quality edited videos that are less sophisticated but can still be misleading.

How do deepfakes and cheapfakes impact elections?

Deepfakes and cheapfakes can spread false information, manipulate public opinion, and discredit opposing candidates. They create a fog of misinformation that makes it difficult for voters to discern fact from fiction, ultimately undermining the democratic process.

What are the consequences of Twitter censorship?

Twitter censorship limits free speech and stifles important conversations about politics. It can also inadvertently amplify disinformation and fake news through recommendation systems, further undermining the credibility of online platforms as sources of reliable information.

Original article