Cornell's President Protects Freedom of Speech Against Illiberal Forces

The last time I spoke at Cornell University, the turnout was small but attentive. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who graduated from Cornell a few years ago... #cornelluniversity #anncoulter #cornell #marthapollack #pollack #knightipsos #creatorssyndicateinc #defendsfree #reasoncom
The last time I spoke at Cornell University, the turnout was tiny but attentive. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who graduated from Cornell a few years… #cornelluniversity #anncoulter #cornell #marthapollack #pollack #knightipsos #creatorssyndicateinc #defendsfree #reasoncom
"alignnone size-medium wp-image-4" src="" alt="Cornell’s president defends free speech against illiberal impulses" />
The last time I spoke at Cornell University, the turnout was small but attentive. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who graduated from Cornell a few years ago... #cornelluniversity #anncoulter #cornell #marthapollack #pollack #knightipsos #creatorssyndicateinc #defendsfree #reasoncom
Original article

Cornell University's President, Martha Pollack, is standing up for the principles of free speech in the face of illiberal tendencies on campus. In a recent speech, she defended the right to express diverse opinions and engage in open dialogue, even when those opinions may be controversial or unpopular.

During her talk, Pollack emphasized the importance of creating an environment that welcomes and encourages a wide range of perspectives. She argued that universities should be places where students are exposed to different ideas and beliefs, allowing them to develop critical thinking skills and learn how to engage in respectful debate.

One of the challenges facing universities today is the growing trend of "cancel culture," where individuals or groups attempt to silence those with whom they disagree by boycotting, shaming, or otherwise punishing them. This kind of behavior stifles free speech and limits the opportunity for intellectual growth and discovery.

Pollack acknowledged that there are legitimate concerns about the impact of certain speech on marginalized communities and individuals, but she stressed the importance of addressing these concerns through dialogue rather than censorship. She argued that by allowing all voices to be heard, universities can foster a climate of inclusivity and mutual respect.

The Significance of Free Speech

The defense of free speech is not only relevant to the academic world but to society as a whole. The ability to express one's thoughts and beliefs without fear of retribution is a fundamental right that underpins democratic societies. When this right is threatened, it can have serious implications for individual freedoms and the functioning of democratic institutions.

Allowing different ideas to be expressed and debated is crucial for progress and innovation. Without open dialogue, society risks stagnation and the suppression of potentially valuable insights and perspectives. By defending free speech, Cornell's President Pollack is sending a message that intellectual diversity should be embraced, not suppressed.

The Role of Universities

Universities have a unique responsibility to promote free speech and intellectual diversity. These institutions are meant to be havens for learning and the pursuit of knowledge. When universities prioritize certain viewpoints over others or attempt to silence dissenting voices, they undermine their own mission and compromise the quality of education they provide.

Moreover, universities have an obligation to prepare students for the challenges of the real world. In the professional sphere, individuals will encounter varying opinions and perspectives. By sheltering students from diverse ideas, universities fail to equip them with the skills necessary to navigate and engage with differing viewpoints.

Implications for Society and Markets

President Pollack's defense of free speech has broader implications beyond the realm of academia. In a society that values open and honest discourse, the exchange of ideas can lead to better solutions to societal issues. By preserving the right to express diverse opinions, society can foster innovation, challenge prevailing norms, and hold those in power accountable.

In the context of markets, free speech is essential for fair competition and consumer protection. The ability to express criticisms, highlight wrongdoing, and advocate for change is crucial for maintaining a level playing field and preventing corruption. When individuals or organizations are prevented from speaking out, it becomes easier for those in power to exploit their positions for personal gain.

Furthermore, the defense of free speech is closely linked to the protection of online privacy. In an era where digital platforms have significant influence over public discourse, it is essential to safeguard the right to express oneself online without fear of censorship or retribution. Without privacy and free speech, individuals are at risk of being silenced by powerful entities that control the flow of information.


Why is free speech important?

Free speech is important because it allows for the open exchange of ideas, fosters intellectual growth, and preserves democratic values. It is a fundamental right that underpins individual freedoms and the functioning of democratic societies.

What is "cancel culture"?

"Cancel culture" refers to the practice of boycotting, shaming, or otherwise punishing individuals or groups for expressing opinions or engaging in behavior that is deemed offensive or controversial. Critics argue that cancel culture stifles free speech and discourages open dialogue.

What is the role of universities in promoting free speech?

Universities have a responsibility to promote free speech and intellectual diversity. These institutions are meant to be places of learning and open inquiry. By allowing diverse viewpoints to be expressed and debated, universities foster critical thinking skills and prepare students for the challenges of the real world.

Original article