CancelCon takes on "greatest threat to free speech in American history"

Some folks who have butted heads with social-media giants like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube over politically incorrect things they have said or written, and who have battled college administrators for their right to say uncomfortable things on a college campus, are banding together for something dubbed CancelCon.

Many of the participants have been outspoken on the topic of free speech, including some who have testified at congressional hearings.

Now, they are taking their acts to CancelCon, to be streamed online September 17 and co-sponsored by Young America's Foundation, one of the nation's largest organizations for conservative youth.

The talk-show host's PragerU, consisting of dozens of five-minute educational videos, has been at war for years with YouTube, which deems some of the content harmful to children and therefore restricts much of it in the same way it does pornography.

Original article
Author: Newsweek

Newsweek provides in-depth analysis, news and opinion about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics.

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