Burger King in NZ removes 'offensive' Vietnamese chopsticks advertisement

Burger King in New Zealand has removed an advertisement that showed people eating a Vietnamese-themed burger with oversized chopsticks after it was branded racist and offensive 

Maria Mo, a Korean New Zealander and student at the University of Waikato, tweeted her shock after viewing the advertisement.

In response to the negative attention the advertisement received, Burger King removed the promotional material explaining it wasn't a representation of the brand.

The ad was pulled from television, however, it was still being promoted on social media, including on Burger King's Facebook page - though it has since been removed - and as a sponsored post on Instagram, which is where Mo viewed it. 

Her original tweet sharing the promotional video has been viewed over 2 million times, with many voicing their support of her stance.

The ad promoting the brand's new 'Tastes of the World' burger range also featured a customer eating an American-themed burger with Rocky-style stars and stripes boxing gloves, and another eating the Japanese 'tonkatsu' burger with robotic hands.

Original article