Bitcoin: FTXs implosion and its impact on profitability, blockspace call for, and more

Bitcoin’s Discovered Loss touched an all-time best when FTX collapsed. - New name for for block home is re-entering {the marketplace}. - The market is dominated thru… #blockspace #btcsrealizedcapitalization #ftx #bitcoinbtc #btc #btcstotaltransfervolume #glassnode #100k #ath #realizedcapitalization
Bitcoin’s Realized Loss touched an all-time high when FTX collapsed. - New demand for block space is re-entering the market. - The market is dominated by… #blockspace #btcsrealizedcapitalization #ftx #bitcoinbtc #btc #btcstotaltransfervolume #glassnode #100k #ath #realizedcapitalizationOriginal article