9to5Google Gift Guide: Apps you should absolutely set up for your family

If youre the techie of your family, youre probably going to be bombarded by tech support questions over the holidays this month.

If you want some simple tech gifts to offer up to the family that will make their lives a little easier going into the new year, here are a few suggestions.

Before you do anything else this holiday season, put Google Photos on every phone you can access in your family this holiday.

Whether theyre iPhone users or Android users, theres a good chance their photos arent backed up, and if they happen to break their device over the coming months, showing them how Google Photos works now will be something theyll never be able to thank you enough for.

Whether you want your family to get a little more secure and start using unique passwords or you just want to give them a secure place to write everything down, a password manager should absolutely be at the top of your list this year.

As long as theyre alright with actually knowing how closely Google tracks their location, its a good way to earn a little bit just for quick surveys.

Original article
Author: Ben Schoon

Google news, Pixel, Android, Home, Chrome OS, more

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