Facebook will get a C; startup charges the ethics of social media platforms, targets asset managers

By now you’ve perhaps heard of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) scores for corporations, or scores for their carbon footprint. Well, now a U.Ok. company has come up with a approach of score the “ethics” of social media corporations. EthicsGrade is an ESG scores corporate, focusing on AI move…
By now you’ve probably heard of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) ratings for companies, or ratings for their carbon footprint. Well, now a U.K. company has come up with a way of rating the “ethics” of social media companies. EthicsGrade is an ESG ratings agency, focusing on AI go…Original article
Author: Mike Butcher

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

Mike Butcher has recently written 5 articles on similar topics including :
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  2. "The UK government is pulling in tech firms to connect isolated residents and patients in care with family and friends via video call devices and services during the COVID-19 crisis". (April 9, 2020)
  3. "Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Brittany Kaiser has released new documents today that suggest Facebook accepted only a simple acknowledgment on email from the firm that it had deleted data associated with 87 million Facebook users profiles". (January 17, 2020)
  4. "Today a group of academics, researchers and civil rights leaders go live on with The Real Facebook Oversight Board which is designed to criticize and discuss the role of the platform in the upcoming US election". (September 30, 2020)
  5. "As history tells us, the break-up of Big Oil and Big Telco in the past, led to more competition and innovation". (November 6, 2019)
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