Google to pause U.S. political adverts forward of presidential inauguration

Alphabet Inc's Google will stop selling political adverts referencing U.S. elections all the way through its firms until on the very least Jan. 21, following ultimate week's violence at the Capitol, in line with an electronic mail to advertisers noticed by means of Reuters.
Alphabet Inc's Google will stop selling political ads referencing U.S. elections across its services until at least Jan. 21, following last week's violence at the Capitol, according to an email to advertisers seen by Reuters.Original article
Author: Elizabeth Culliford

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Elizabeth Culliford has recently written 10 articles on similar topics including :
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  2. "Alphabet Inc's Google will block election-related ads on its platforms after polls close in the U.S. election on Nov. 3, the company told advertisers in an email on Friday". (September 25, 2020)
  3. "Facebook Inc's independent oversight board made its first binding decisions on Thursday, overruling the company's actions in four of the five cases it reviewed". (January 28, 2021)
  4. "Google said on Monday it had removed ads for companies that charge people large fees to register to vote or harvest their data, which appeared when users searched for voter information". (June 30, 2020)
  5. "Facebook Inc for the first time on Thursday disclosed numbers on the prevalence of hate speech on its platform, saying that out of every 10,000 content views in the third quarter, 10 to 11 included hate speech". (November 19, 2020)
  6. "Facebook Inc's long-delayed independent Oversight Board plans to launch in mid-late October, just before the November U.S. presidential election, but a Facebook spokeswoman said on Thursday it was unlikely that the board would handle election-related cases". (September 24, 2020)
  7. "Facebook Inc's independent Oversight Board announced on Tuesday the first six cases where it could overrule the social media company's decisions to remove certain pieces of content from its platforms". (December 1, 2020)
  8. "Facebook Inc's CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on Wednesday the company would no longer recommend civic and political groups to users of the platform". (January 28, 2021)
  9. "Misleading health content has racked up an estimated 3.8 billion views on Facebook Inc over the past year, peaking during the COVID-19 pandemic, advocacy group Avaaz said in a new report on Wednesday". (August 19, 2020)
  10. "Facebook Inc did not notify the more than 530 million users whose details were obtained through the misuse of a feature before 2019 and recently made public in a database, and does not currently have plans to do so, a company spokesman said on Wednesday". (April 7, 2021)
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