Goodbye, Big Tech? People are dropping belief in social media platforms, economist tells Boom Bust

Goodbye, Big Tech? People are dropping belief in social media platforms, economist tells Boom Bust
Goodbye, Big Tech? People are losing trust in social media platforms, economist tells Boom Bust
Original article
Author: Russia Today

The latest Tweets from RT (@RT_com). RT, the global news network, broadcasts from Moscow, London, Paris and Washington studios to over 100 countries

Russia Today has recently written 11 articles on similar topics including :
  1. "Big Techs influence over government has only grown between the last two election cycles. Facebook and Amazon now outspend the largest tobacco and oil giants when it comes to buying political favor, a new report states". (March 25, 2021)
  2. "Pandemic profiteers: Big Pharma & Big Tech cash in on Covid-19". (December 15, 2020)
  3. "Social media site Parler may never come back online after Amazon dropped the conservative-friendly platform from its servers, its CEO said, as the company insists in court that its termination was motivated by political animus". (January 14, 2021)
  4. "As concerns rise about the clout of the likes of Google and Facebook, more and more states are increasing pressure on tech giants. RTs Boom Bust breaks down how governments are trying to bring the sector under control". (January 26, 2021)
  5. "The Uganda Communications Commission has apparently decided to block all social media platforms until further notice as the country prepares to take to the polls on Thursday". (January 12, 2021)
  6. "Controversialist UK media personality Piers Morgan has announced he's working with Facebook to hunt a person who sent him a "death threat" online, claiming police have turned his house into "Fort Knox". (March 3, 2021)
  7. "Twitter is rapidly changing from an independent platform into a tool of Western countries to impose a dictatorship over the internet. That's according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, following a recent ban of Russian accounts". (February 26, 2021)
  8. "After some of his own videos were pulled by YouTube, progressive reporter Jordan Chariton has had a change of heart about Big Techs crackdown on extremist content, arguing that its a pretext to purge all alternative views". (February 4, 2021)
  9. "Social media app Parler is back online after being booted off the servers of Amazon Web Services last month in the wake of the Capitol riots, after it was accused of allowing threats of violence to be shared on the platform". (February 15, 2021)
  10. "Australias treasurer has advised the tech giants to accept that their platforms will have to start paying for content, amid threats from Facebook and Google to limit services in the country if such a policy is enacted". (January 24, 2021)
  11. "Facebook banning free speech will lead people to find alternative platforms, Ron Paul tells Boom Bust". (January 15, 2021)
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