Facebook introduces Accounts Center, a tool for managing a growing number of cross-app settings

The feature aims to give users the ability to manage their connected experiences across Facebook-owned apps, like Single Sign On and Facebook Pay, for example.

In the U.S., youll then be able to enter your payment information in one place then use it across both Facebook and Instagram when you make purchases, like in the new Facebook and Instagram Shops, or when you make donations.

Facebook says users who choose to use Accounts Center wont have to publicly use the same identity across all of Facebook. You could, for instance, continue to use a personal profile on Facebook while using Instagram to promote your business or hobbies.But the feature will likely be more useful for those who do maintain the same identify across platforms, as you can do things like sync your profile photo across apps.

The new feature, however, brings to light the extensive data collection operation Facebook has built by way of its various apps.

In other words, even if you maintain different identities publicly, Facebook is aggregating your data behind the scenes.

Original article
Author: Sarah Perez

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

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