Why is Facebook doing robotics analysis?

It is a bit of unusual to hear that the sphere's primary social neighborhood is pursuing research in robotics rather than, say, making search useful, on the other hand Fb is an enormous crew with many competing priorities. And while the ones robots are not straight away going to have an effect on your Fb experience, what the co…
It's a bit strange to hear that the world's leading social network is pursuing research in robotics rather than, say, making search useful, but Facebook is a big organization with many competing priorities. And while these robots aren't directly going to affect your Facebook experience, what the co…Original article
Author: Devin Coldewey

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

Devin Coldewey has recently written 10 articles on similar topics including :
  1. "Facebook has agreed to block access to certain anti-government content to users in Vietnam, following months of having its services throttled there, reportedly by state-owned telecoms". (April 22, 2020)
  2. "AI is frequently cited as a miracle workers in medicine, especially in screening processes, where machine learning models boast expert-level skills in detecting problems". (April 27, 2020)
  3. "Training an artificial intelligence agent to do something like navigate a complex 3D world is computationally expensive and time-consuming". (January 21, 2020)
  4. "An aspect of video calls that many of us take for granted is the way they can switch between feeds to highlight whoevers speaking. Great if speaking is how you communicate". (October 3, 2020)
  5. "Facebook has challenged the FTCs antitrust case against it using a standard playbook that questions the agencys arguably expansive approach to defining monopolies". (March 10, 2021)
  6. "Facebook will soon add labels to news outlets owned or otherwise controlled by a government, marking that information as, if not necessarily false or unreliable, at least worth considering the origin of. Those so labeled will also be banned from buying ads starting this summer". (June 4, 2020)
  7. "Google is currently under fire for apparently pushing out a researcher whose work warned of bias in AI, and now a report from Reuters says others doing such work at the company have been asked to strike a positive tone and undergo additional reviews for research touching on sen". (December 24, 2020)
  8. "As capable as robots are, the original animals after which they tend to be designed are always much, much better. That's partly because it's difficult to learn how to walk like a dog directly from a dog but this research from Google's AI labs make it considerably easier". (April 3, 2020)
  9. "Facebook first showed off its 3D photos back in 2018, and shared the technical details behind it a month later. But unless you had one of a handful of phones with dual cameras back then (when they weren't so common), you couldn't make your own". (February 28, 2020)
  10. "The latest research out of Facebook sets machine learning models to tasks that, to us, seem rather ordinary but for a computer are still monstrously difficult. These projects aim to anonymize faces, improvise hand movements and perhaps hardest of all give credible fashion advice". (November 11, 2019)
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