9 Questions for Facebook After Zuckerberg’s Privacy Manifesto

For 15 years, the stated goal of Facebook has been to make the world more open and connected; the unstated goal was constructing a targeted advertising system built on nearly infinite data.

The social network of the future wont be one where everyone connects openly together, as in a town square; it will be one where more connections happen one to one, as in a living room.

In our interview, Zuckerberg demurred when asked what the new business model will be after clamping down on the data firehose.

Facebook does have nascent efforts in commerce and cryptocurrency, but theres no question that figuring out revenue on the new platform will be a hard problem for Dave Wehner, Facebooks chief financial officer.A former Facebook employee told me last night, Mark is like a cartoon character who walks through a bunch of dangerous situations and always comes out on top.

The publicfrom the media, to nonprofits, to academics, to individuals, to the governmentalso uses the public nature of Facebook to track bad behavior.

If Russian intelligence operatives had just used private encrypted messaging to manipulate Americans, would they have been caught?
As Facebook knows from running WhatsApp, which is already end-to-end encrypted, policing abuses gets ever harder as messages get more hidden.

There is just a clear trade-off here when you're building a messaging system between end-to-end encryption, which provides world-class privacy and the strongest security measures on the one hand, but removes some of the signal that you have to detect really terrible things some people try to do, whether its child exploitation or terrorism or extorting people." When asked whether he cared more about these fears than fears about his business model, he said yes.

Different people will move to different teams. The public and the media, trained to distrust what Facebook says, will judge whether the company is living up to promises that the CEO just made very publicly.

Original article
Author: Wired

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