Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future and What Scares Him Most

Mark Zuckerberg: The thinking is that there needs to be two types of platforms in the world: one is a more public platform, like the digital equivalent of a town square where you interact with lots of people at once.

But if you look at what we've done over the last 15 years, we've taken Facebook and then Instagram and really built out whole social platforms around them. There are all these different kinds of utilities for basically all the different things that you would want to do with everyone you know.And it's really a concept of the whole platform around all the private and intimate interactions that you would want to have.

If you want to message someone on Instagram, you have to use Direct, if you want to message someone on WhatsApp you have to use WhatsApp.

Because Facebook's current business model is based upon collecting lots of data and then building targeted ad experiences.

But the basic way that weve approached things is first to focus on building the consumer service that people really want.

Then focus on making it so people can organically interact with businesses, and then focus on paid ways that businesses can grow and get more distribution.So we're still in the phase on this private messaging platform, of phase one, where we're really focused on nailing the consumer experience.

Twitter and Square Cofounder and CEO Jack Dorsey spoke with WIREDs Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Thompson as part of WIRED25, WIREDs 25th anniversary celebration in San Francisco.

Original article
Author: Wired

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