Crypto regulation determined by Congress, not the SEC: Blockchain Association

The Blockchain Association’s chief policy officer, Jake Chervinsky, called out the SEC for its regulation by enforcement tactics and said Congress needs to agree on how to regulate the industry.
kchain Association, a leading organization advocating for the blockchain industry, has criticized the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its approach to regulating cryptocurrencies. Jake Chervinsky, the association's Chief Legal Officer, has called out the SEC for its "regulation by enforcement" tactics and argues that the responsibility of regulating the crypto industry should rest with Congress.

The SEC's "Regulation by Enforcement" Approach

Chervinsky's criticism of the SEC stems from what he perceives to be an inconsistent approach to regulating cryptocurrencies. He argues that the SEC has been using a "regulation by enforcement" strategy, whereby they bring cases against companies and individuals after the fact, rather than providing clear rules and guidelines beforehand.

This approach, according to Chervinsky, creates uncertainty in the industry and stifles innovation. It forces companies to navigate a complex regulatory landscape and makes it difficult for entrepreneurs and investors to participate in the market with confidence.

Congressional Regulation

The Blockchain Association believes that Congress is the appropriate body to regulate the crypto industry. Chervinsky argues that Congress should be responsible for creating clear and consistent rules that provide certainty and fairness for market participants.

By involving Congress in the regulation of cryptocurrencies, Chervinsky believes that the industry can benefit from a more transparent and predictable regulatory framework. This would allow companies to operate with greater clarity and confidence, leading to increased innovation and investment in the sector.

The Ramifications for Society and Markets

The debate over who should regulate cryptocurrencies has significant ramifications for both society and markets.

Protecting Online Privacy

One of the key concerns in the regulation of cryptocurrencies is the preservation of online privacy. As governments and regulatory bodies seek to gain greater control over the industry, there is a risk that privacy could be compromised. Congressional regulation could potentially strike a balance between protecting individual privacy and preventing illicit activities.

Ensuring Free Markets

Regulating cryptocurrencies through Congress could also help maintain the principles of free markets. A well-defined regulatory framework would establish clear rules and guidelines, fostering fair competition and preventing market manipulation. This would ensure that the crypto industry operates in a transparent and open manner, benefiting both consumers and businesses.

Preventing Corruption

Another advantage of having Congress regulate cryptocurrencies is the potential to prevent corruption. The SEC's "regulation by enforcement" approach has been criticized for being inconsistent and arbitrary. Congressional oversight would provide a more objective and accountable process for regulating the industry, reducing the risk of corruption and favoritism.

Promoting Innovation

Clear and consistent regulation, as advocated by the Blockchain Association, could also lead to increased innovation in the crypto industry. When entrepreneurs and investors have a solid regulatory framework to work within, they can focus on developing innovative solutions and driving the industry forward. This would stimulate economic growth and create new opportunities for jobs and business development.


Why is the SEC criticized for "regulation by enforcement"?

The SEC's "regulation by enforcement" approach is seen as inconsistent and lacking clear guidelines. This creates uncertainty in the industry and makes it difficult for businesses to operate and investors to participate with confidence.

Why does the Blockchain Association believe Congress should regulate cryptocurrencies?

The Blockchain Association believes that Congress is better suited to create clear and consistent rules for the crypto industry. Congressional oversight would provide a transparent and predictable regulatory framework, fostering innovation and investment.

What are the ramifications of involving Congress in the regulation of cryptocurrencies?

Having Congress regulate cryptocurrencies could protect online privacy, ensure free markets, prevent corruption, and promote innovation. It would strike a balance between regulatory control and individual rights, fostering a vibrant and responsible crypto industry.

Sources: Original Article

Original article
Author: Coin Telegraph

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