Fb boycott: North Face is first to hitch civil rights teams in demand to finish to hate speech

North Face is first model to halt promoting as a part of boycott organized by civil rights teams over Fb's failure to crack down on hate speech
North Face is first brand to halt advertising as part of boycott organized by civil rights groups over Facebook's failure to crack down on hate speechOriginal article
Author: Jessica Guynn

The latest Tweets from USA TODAY (@USATODAY). The latest news and most interesting stories from USA TODAY. News that's meant to be shared. USA TODAY HQ, McLean, Va.

Jessica Guynn has recently written 9 articles on similar topics including :
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  9. "Facebook and Messenger are rolling out new reactions in addition to like, heart, LOL, wow, sad and angry to show support during the COVID-19 pandemic". (April 17, 2020)
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