Facebooks new branding distinguishes app from acquisitions

Facebook wants more people to know it owns Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus while still maintaining a distinct identity for its main app.

So today Facebook launched a new capitalization and typography format for its company name, using all capital letters and a shifting color scheme that highlights Instagrams purple gradient and WhatsApps green tint.

The Information reported Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was unsatisfied with the credit Facebook was getting for owning Instagram and WhatsApp.

Zuckerberg double-down on that sentiment during this months earnings call as a response to questions about anti-trust investigations against the company that could seek to force a spin off of its acquisitions. Zuckerberg noted that it wa Facebooks resources in areas like anti-spam, internationalization, and ads that helped turn Instagram from a sub-50 million user product to a billion-plus one today.

Beyond rebranding, its working on making Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram Direct a unified interoperable and encrypted messaging system where users can chat across the apps.

Given Facebooks rash of data security, developer platform, election interference, and ongoing privacy scandals, its probably better off if people think they can escape the toxicity by using Instagram.

Now it seems Facebook is happy to burn down some of the credibility of its younger apps if it builds up the central company.

Original article
Author: Josh Constine

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

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