Nest Wi-Fi is a big improvement over Google Wi-Fi. But is it enough?

This is good newsdespite the impressive sales numbers Google says it has for the original Google Wi-Fi, the product never ranked very well in performance tests at Wirecutter, Smallnetbuilder, or here at Ars.

And heaven help you once you get into turn-of-the-century chicken-wire-and-daub walls, or apartments with central elevator shafts, and so forth.

Granted, a lot of that new CPU power and RAM is really there to power the Google Assistantbut also it comes in handy for general network use.

We'll spare you the entire panoply of steps, because there's nothing particularly interesting or difficult about themit's just a lot of steps, a lot of time, and a lot of different privacy asks that seem like they really could have been combined into one section.

Original article
Author: Jrssnet

The latest Tweets from Jim Salter (@jrssnet). Mercenary sysadmin, technical author (for @arstechnica and others), #TechSNAP co-host, and gadfly

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