Facebook's AI prevents deceased users' profiles from popping up in your suggestions

Its hard to cope with the loss of a loved one, and its harder when their profile pops up on Facebook as a suggestion, as if they were still alive.

To do that, a person who has been assigned as a legacy contact by the deceasedcan inform Facebook, or friends and family members can request the social network to memorialize their loved ones profile by filling out a form and including proof that theyve passed away.

It might be looking for posts of people who are tagging the deceased, but it would have to be super careful not to wrongfully identify someone as dead.

Weve heard from people that memorializing a profile can feel like a big step that not everyone is immediately ready to take.

The company also introduced new tools including a Tribute tab on the memorialized profile, where people can pay their respects with a message.

Original article
Author: The Next Web

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