Facebook may add a dedicated news tab later this year

Zuckerberg mooted the idea in a conversation with Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner, as part of his goal this year to hold discussions about the future of technology in society.

However, it's not clear whether Facebook would pay publishers directly or offer a bigger slice of ad revenue.

As Apple has, Facebook may recruit editors, but Zuckerberg told Döpfner he wasn't sure whether to let users select most of what they see in the tab or whether staff members should curate it. Facebook previously used editors to select trending topics items, though it faced accusations of bias over the stories that were chosen for the now-removed section.

The news tab seems likely to work in a similar way to Watch -- while videos still appear in the News Feed, the Watch tab is a dedicated place for them. Facebook previously tested separating posts from pages and those from friends and family with an Explore feed that didn't prove popular.

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Author: Engadget

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