Christchurch massacre was watched nearly 200 times when broadcast live, but no users reported it: Facebook

Facebook has said that no users reported the Christchurch, New Zealand, shooting footage as it was being broadcast live last Friday, despite it being viewed up to 200 times.

Chris Sonderby, Facebook's deputy general counsel, said in a statement that the attacker's video was viewed about 4,000 times in total before being removed from the website.

He said the first user complaint on the original video came in 29 minutes after the start of the video, which showed a graphic portion of the mosque attacks in real time.

The attack was tailored for a contemporary audiencewith a creed posted to a message board called 8chan containing references to popular memes and underground internet culture.

He said the back-end information linked to the original Facebook Live broadcast was identified in a way that meant any future uploads of the content could be detected and automatically removed.

Original article
Author: Newsweek

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