Daughter of Briton held in Dubai fears jail for mum in Facebook row

Earlier today, Paris revealed she has never been without her mother for this long before, and that she cries everyday.

Paris Shahravesh, 14, is terrified she will not see her mum Laleh for months while she faces charges of insulting behaviour

Pictured: Pedro Dos Santos and his second wife Samah al Hammadi, who is reportedly considering withdrawing her complaint

She also claimed the situation reminded her of the loss of her father, PedroDos Santos, because they have been apart for so long.

The teen from Richmond, Surrey, has already written to the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, appealing for clemency for her mum.

Laleh's ordeal began in March when she and Paris flew to Dubai's to pay their last respects o Pedro .

'This case has been devastating for her, and she is praying for compassion from the court tomorrow, so that hopefully, they can both get on with their lives.'

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Laleh said she has been left traumatised by the arrest and was missing Paris.

Despite the acrimonious split, Laleh said she had reconciled with her ex and he visited them at their rented home last year.

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Author: Mail Online

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